Monday, August 25, 2008

International Freelancing - How to Overcome the Language Barrier

As an international freelancer, you're bound to face endless obstacles while trying to get your work done, such obstacles include: language barrier, time zone differences, and payment difficulties. The language barrier, however; is one of the top reasons why international freelancers feel intimidated 24/7.

The Language Barrier

Most clients assume that your country of birth determines your language fluency or intelligence for that matter. You'll come across many clients that will make fun of you for not understanding a "cultural" reference or they'll question your fluency in English the moment you apply to the job. Many clients assume that just because English is not your first language, then you can't possibly complete the task at hand.

So how can you solve this?

* Do not be provoked by such remarks, focus on the task at hand instead.
* Provide professionally formatted and spelled checked proposals or samples.
* Politely explain to the client the cultural differences and how references vary.

What happens if this fails? You have to understand that some clients will not stop ridiculing your work for the shear fact you're from a third world country or a non-native English country. The thing to remember is that you started freelancing to avoid work bullies and annoying bosses. Don't let the client step all over you, since such abusive behavior will only put you down and leave you unable to finish other tasks at hand. Not to mention, your client's experience is likely to put your reputation at risk. This is the time when you should consider canceling the job and giving the client a refund.

Amino Zawawi is a full-time freelancer, internet entrepreneur, and playwright.

For more freelancing tips visit: Freelancer 2.0 - Make Money Online Without a Fulltime Job Today!

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As an international freelancer, you're bound to face endless obstacles while trying to get your work done, such obstacles include: language barrier, time zone differences, and payment difficulties. The language barrier, however; is one of the top reasons why international freelancers feel intimidated 24/7.

The Language Barrier

Most clients assume that your country of birth determines your language fluency or intelligence for that matter. You'll come across many clients that will make fun of you for not understanding a "cultural" reference or they'll question your fluency in English the moment you apply to the job. Many clients assume that just because English is not your first language, then you can't possibly complete the task at hand.

So how can you solve this?

* Do not be provoked by such remarks, focus on the task at hand instead.
* Provide professionally formatted and spelled checked proposals or samples.
* Politely explain to the client the cultural differences and how references vary.

What happens if this fails? You have to understand that some clients will not stop ridiculing your work for the shear fact you're from a third world country or a non-native English country. The thing to remember is that you started freelancing to avoid work bullies and annoying bosses. Don't let the client step all over you, since such abusive behavior will only put you down and leave you unable to finish other tasks at hand. Not to mention, your client's experience is likely to put your reputation at risk. This is the time when you should consider canceling the job and giving the client a refund.

Amino Zawawi is a full-time freelancer, internet entrepreneur, and playwright.

For more freelancing tips visit: Freelancer 2.0 - Make Money Online Without a Fulltime Job Today!

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