Monday, December 25, 2006

Pharma Sales Jobs: Secret Strategies to Winning Interviews Through Job Boards

Pharma Sales Jobs are EXTREMELY competitive these days; therefore, you simply must go all out in order to gain the job of your dreams.

If you're wondering if one of those "go for it" strategies includes job boards, then you're right...but only if you know how to use job boards to your advantage. Not sure? Then read on...

Follow these secret guidelines to eliminate wasted efforts and get noticed by recruiters and other hiring personnel:

# Choose to build your own resume online. As a former recruiter, I constantly faced a barrage of resumes that looked like gobbly gook. Why? Well, because people choose to copy and paste their resume or download their resume file instead of building it right on the site. If your resume is not in the ASCII format (text only), then your copy/paste or file download will result in a big waste of time for you and the viewers of your resume. Take the time to do it right!

# Make sure to list a number of target job titles. There's more than one way to target pharmaceutical sales jobs - use the following keywords for your job titles: pharmaceutical sales, pharmaceutical sales rep, pharmaceutical rep, pharma sales, and drug rep - to ensure that your bases are covered. And remember, your goal may be pharma sales, but what if there is another lucrative sales opportunity out there? Don't forget about the medical sales industry, as well!

# Don't respond to ads which do not reference a specific job or affiliation with a specific recruiting company. Many multi-level marketing companies disguise themselves in this manner, and I don't think you'll want to waste your time with these pyramid (unethical) schemes!

# Check, re-check, and check (again) your spelling and punctuation. I can't tell you how many embarrassingly pathetic resumes I've seen via popular job boards. Candidates seem to view the job board resumes they create as less formal...guess what? That's a big mistake! This is your first impression with a recruiter, HR professional, or hiring manager; are you willing to blow it because you chose to NOT come across on your resume as an educated, thoughtful person? Take a few minutes to proofread, PUHHHHHLEASE!

# Ok, This is the biggie...the most important "MUST DO" of this article! The "Resume Title" is the first phrase a recruiter or hiring manager will see [in their e-mail inbox or in the list of resumes generated online from the recruiter's query]. It's literally the first impression of you!

Now, of the hundreds of resumes I received in my inbox as a recruiter every day, which ones do ya think I opened? That's right...only the creative, interesting resume titles that clearly related to pharma sales.

Duh, right? So creating an interesting, descriptive, confident resume title is imperative, especially since you're competing against nearly 35,000 other candidates per day ( data)! YIKES!

For example, a resume title like, "Sales King: #1 in Region, Entrepreneur, Educator" would definitely gain my attention, or "Skilled Negotiator...Could Sell Ice to an Eskimo" was a real resume I opened and called for an interview because it was creative and descriptive (as well as filled with accomplishments)!

Get the point? Creativity is really the key here, folks. Stand different...and you'll gain a 2nd look from hiring personnel. that I'm finished ranting, there's one more piece of advice I simply must relay to you. Don't rely on one single strategy to gain interviews for pharma sales jobs. Utilize a potpourri of strategies to enhance your possibilities of landing an interview, such as the following:
Pharma Sales Jobs are EXTREMELY competitive these days; therefore, you simply must go all out in order to gain the job of your dreams.

If you're wondering if one of those "go for it" strategies includes job boards, then you're right...but only if you know how to use job boards to your advantage. Not sure? Then read on...

Follow these secret guidelines to eliminate wasted efforts and get noticed by recruiters and other hiring personnel:

# Choose to build your own resume online. As a former recruiter, I constantly faced a barrage of resumes that looked like gobbly gook. Why? Well, because people choose to copy and paste their resume or download their resume file instead of building it right on the site. If your resume is not in the ASCII format (text only), then your copy/paste or file download will result in a big waste of time for you and the viewers of your resume. Take the time to do it right!

# Make sure to list a number of target job titles. There's more than one way to target pharmaceutical sales jobs - use the following keywords for your job titles: pharmaceutical sales, pharmaceutical sales rep, pharmaceutical rep, pharma sales, and drug rep - to ensure that your bases are covered. And remember, your goal may be pharma sales, but what if there is another lucrative sales opportunity out there? Don't forget about the medical sales industry, as well!

# Don't respond to ads which do not reference a specific job or affiliation with a specific recruiting company. Many multi-level marketing companies disguise themselves in this manner, and I don't think you'll want to waste your time with these pyramid (unethical) schemes!

# Check, re-check, and check (again) your spelling and punctuation. I can't tell you how many embarrassingly pathetic resumes I've seen via popular job boards. Candidates seem to view the job board resumes they create as less formal...guess what? That's a big mistake! This is your first impression with a recruiter, HR professional, or hiring manager; are you willing to blow it because you chose to NOT come across on your resume as an educated, thoughtful person? Take a few minutes to proofread, PUHHHHHLEASE!

# Ok, This is the biggie...the most important "MUST DO" of this article! The "Resume Title" is the first phrase a recruiter or hiring manager will see [in their e-mail inbox or in the list of resumes generated online from the recruiter's query]. It's literally the first impression of you!

Now, of the hundreds of resumes I received in my inbox as a recruiter every day, which ones do ya think I opened? That's right...only the creative, interesting resume titles that clearly related to pharma sales.

Duh, right? So creating an interesting, descriptive, confident resume title is imperative, especially since you're competing against nearly 35,000 other candidates per day ( data)! YIKES!

For example, a resume title like, "Sales King: #1 in Region, Entrepreneur, Educator" would definitely gain my attention, or "Skilled Negotiator...Could Sell Ice to an Eskimo" was a real resume I opened and called for an interview because it was creative and descriptive (as well as filled with accomplishments)!

Get the point? Creativity is really the key here, folks. Stand different...and you'll gain a 2nd look from hiring personnel. that I'm finished ranting, there's one more piece of advice I simply must relay to you. Don't rely on one single strategy to gain interviews for pharma sales jobs. Utilize a potpourri of strategies to enhance your possibilities of landing an interview, such as the following: