Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pre Employment Evaluation

Candidates should take the Prior Employment tests seriously, even if they are not necessary.

Some of the delineated points, the job aspiring candidates should know:

1.Senior Executives are not exempted :

If you aspire to climb the ladder of success, the more you are evaluated in the aspects of personality, skill, competency, etc. The companies administer these personality assessment to see whether the prospective individuals fit into the company’s culture . Some companies critically scrutinize the assessment of the candidates , as they opine, " We have the most to loose if they are a bad hire".

2.Curb your Antagonism :

Most of the senior candidates scoff at having to take a test & also express their unwillingness. They feel it unnecessary and dispute verbally with the interviewer. They may derail their candidacy , if they show their displeasure. Complaining says a lot to an employer about your attitude , tolerance level, flexibility, amicability and how open you will be to future opportunities.

3.Your Candidacy can benefit :

The bottom line of your candidacy may match their specific requirements, which may promote you to the next round. Your general traits may match the overall requisites of the position , if failed specifically. 4.Clear your schedule :

Inquire the assessment duration from the recruiters, helping yourself to schedule your activities. You may need to devote anywhere from a few minutes of several hours of time. Some assessment are oral and administered on site by an industrial psychologist, while others may be completed online from any location. If it is a telephonic test, ensure there will be no interruptions / distractions.

Normally , candidates who have successfully completed the first round interviews are administered a brief personality assessment by phone.

5.Exercise your brain:

Familiarize yourself with the different types of tests available in the free tests portals . Take up mock plays, tests, chats, discussions, etc under supervision of a personality trainer in your city. This helps you to remove the fear out of taking a test and makes you confident. Playing - Chess helps you to sharpen your mind.

Candidates should take the Prior Employment tests seriously, even if they are not necessary.

Some of the delineated points, the job aspiring candidates should know:

1.Senior Executives are not exempted :

If you aspire to climb the ladder of success, the more you are evaluated in the aspects of personality, skill, competency, etc. The companies administer these personality assessment to see whether the prospective individuals fit into the company’s culture . Some companies critically scrutinize the assessment of the candidates , as they opine, " We have the most to loose if they are a bad hire".

2.Curb your Antagonism :

Most of the senior candidates scoff at having to take a test & also express their unwillingness. They feel it unnecessary and dispute verbally with the interviewer. They may derail their candidacy , if they show their displeasure. Complaining says a lot to an employer about your attitude , tolerance level, flexibility, amicability and how open you will be to future opportunities.

3.Your Candidacy can benefit :

The bottom line of your candidacy may match their specific requirements, which may promote you to the next round. Your general traits may match the overall requisites of the position , if failed specifically. 4.Clear your schedule :

Inquire the assessment duration from the recruiters, helping yourself to schedule your activities. You may need to devote anywhere from a few minutes of several hours of time. Some assessment are oral and administered on site by an industrial psychologist, while others may be completed online from any location. If it is a telephonic test, ensure there will be no interruptions / distractions.

Normally , candidates who have successfully completed the first round interviews are administered a brief personality assessment by phone.

5.Exercise your brain:

Familiarize yourself with the different types of tests available in the free tests portals . Take up mock plays, tests, chats, discussions, etc under supervision of a personality trainer in your city. This helps you to remove the fear out of taking a test and makes you confident. Playing - Chess helps you to sharpen your mind.