Thursday, June 28, 2007

Interviewing Tips to Get that Job! Improve Your Body Language in One Minute 5

When you use the right body language, it helps you to appear confident during the interview. Always greet the interviewer with a handshake, and a smile. A smile says, "I like you and I am glad to be here." After being seated in the interviewer's office, try to lean forward in the chair for good posture. You know that leaning forward is considered a “good” gesture to use when talking to people. If you practice leaning forward on a regular basis, it will come natural to you during the interview. Leaning back and looking too relaxed may imply that you do not like the interviewer.

You use positive body language when you show “open” body gestures. Positive body language sends the message that you are receptive to things. On the other hand, when you use negative body language, you show “close” body gestures. Close body gestures send the message that you are not receptive to things. Therefore, you should not sit with our legs crossed, or stand with your arms folded during the interview. These are a few gestures that show closed positions that often send the message that you are not open to information and ideas.

When your body language is negative, it may communicate to the interviewer that you are nervousness. Some negative signs to avoid are holding your hands behind your head, tilting the head to the side, and laughing too loud. Try to refrain from nervous tensions such as biting your nails, or scratching your head. Make it a point to stay calm by maintaining good eye contact with the interviewer and avoid looking at the floor or ceiling, while talking to him. Do not look down. When you shift the eyes too often, it may send the message that you are not listening, or paying attention. The perfect eye contact to make lies somewhere in between too little and too much, when looking at the interviewer.

You should be conscious of your response to questions, and how it relates to what you are saying with our body. For example, when the interviewer ask you about your interest in accepting the position, you may respond by saying, "I need a little more time to think about it," or "yes," or "no."

Do attend seminars on interviewing to learn more about improving your body language. Start now minimizing the wrong messages sent to others by using the positive body language on a daily basis.

Are you interested in taking my online courses?

To the new and experienced entrepreneurs, getting help with your small business is very crucial to your success. Getting the right help will cause you to avoid costly mistakes, and it can also help you to save a lot of time, money and energy. You will need to get the right help to form the legal structure of the business, financial, management, procurement/certification, marketing, pricing products, preparing a business plan, and more. If you are a business owner who is wondering if you can take your business to new heights,
When you use the right body language, it helps you to appear confident during the interview. Always greet the interviewer with a handshake, and a smile. A smile says, "I like you and I am glad to be here." After being seated in the interviewer's office, try to lean forward in the chair for good posture. You know that leaning forward is considered a “good” gesture to use when talking to people. If you practice leaning forward on a regular basis, it will come natural to you during the interview. Leaning back and looking too relaxed may imply that you do not like the interviewer.

You use positive body language when you show “open” body gestures. Positive body language sends the message that you are receptive to things. On the other hand, when you use negative body language, you show “close” body gestures. Close body gestures send the message that you are not receptive to things. Therefore, you should not sit with our legs crossed, or stand with your arms folded during the interview. These are a few gestures that show closed positions that often send the message that you are not open to information and ideas.

When your body language is negative, it may communicate to the interviewer that you are nervousness. Some negative signs to avoid are holding your hands behind your head, tilting the head to the side, and laughing too loud. Try to refrain from nervous tensions such as biting your nails, or scratching your head. Make it a point to stay calm by maintaining good eye contact with the interviewer and avoid looking at the floor or ceiling, while talking to him. Do not look down. When you shift the eyes too often, it may send the message that you are not listening, or paying attention. The perfect eye contact to make lies somewhere in between too little and too much, when looking at the interviewer.

You should be conscious of your response to questions, and how it relates to what you are saying with our body. For example, when the interviewer ask you about your interest in accepting the position, you may respond by saying, "I need a little more time to think about it," or "yes," or "no."

Do attend seminars on interviewing to learn more about improving your body language. Start now minimizing the wrong messages sent to others by using the positive body language on a daily basis.

Are you interested in taking my online courses?

To the new and experienced entrepreneurs, getting help with your small business is very crucial to your success. Getting the right help will cause you to avoid costly mistakes, and it can also help you to save a lot of time, money and energy. You will need to get the right help to form the legal structure of the business, financial, management, procurement/certification, marketing, pricing products, preparing a business plan, and more. If you are a business owner who is wondering if you can take your business to new heights,

3 Mistakes to Avoid at the IIM Personal Interview

1) Having an unclear objective in mind: This is by far the biggest mistake to avoid, and this fact should be drilled down to your mind. Have a list of 3 things that you would like to achieve through your MBA. For example:
- I want to build a career in Finance, specifically in Investment Banking
- I would like to use this MBA in learning the basics of understanding how to evaluate a business and its worth
- I want to utilise this knowledge to then join a fund house specialising in mid caps investing as India presents a lot of growth stories and there are many companies that have the capability to turn from Rs 20-50 crore net worth to Rs 750 - Rs 1000 crore net worth.

2) Not being clear about your hobbies: This is one of those overlooked areas that college graduates often underestimate and mention for the heck of it. Hobbies are meant to be done with a lot of passion. If you state that you have a hobby, then make sure you have a detailed idea about your hobby.

3) Not being clear about how you learnt from your mistakes: Every one makes mistakes, even the IIM Personal Interview panel made some mistakes at some point of time and so you are no exception. Most B-School Personal Interview panels will ask you to recount an example of some crisis or mistake you committed in life. The key to answering this point is to state how you tried to rectify the situation and what steps did you take from preventing their recurrence.
1) Having an unclear objective in mind: This is by far the biggest mistake to avoid, and this fact should be drilled down to your mind. Have a list of 3 things that you would like to achieve through your MBA. For example:
- I want to build a career in Finance, specifically in Investment Banking
- I would like to use this MBA in learning the basics of understanding how to evaluate a business and its worth
- I want to utilise this knowledge to then join a fund house specialising in mid caps investing as India presents a lot of growth stories and there are many companies that have the capability to turn from Rs 20-50 crore net worth to Rs 750 - Rs 1000 crore net worth.

2) Not being clear about your hobbies: This is one of those overlooked areas that college graduates often underestimate and mention for the heck of it. Hobbies are meant to be done with a lot of passion. If you state that you have a hobby, then make sure you have a detailed idea about your hobby.

3) Not being clear about how you learnt from your mistakes: Every one makes mistakes, even the IIM Personal Interview panel made some mistakes at some point of time and so you are no exception. Most B-School Personal Interview panels will ask you to recount an example of some crisis or mistake you committed in life. The key to answering this point is to state how you tried to rectify the situation and what steps did you take from preventing their recurrence.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Career Tests Are Just Tools To Help You Find The Ideal Career

Career tests are amongst many different related tools that can help make the early part of your job-search manageable, and thus set you on a shorter path to your ultimate goals. Career tests are essential tools in opening up new possibilities and helping you to make important career decisions at key points in your life. Most of these tests are used to provide an indication of which jobs match your personality type and which will provide maximum job satisfaction.

Whilst there is a wide variety of tests available, some are proven and some are not, so you may need to take some 'with a pinch of salt'.

By completing a variety of different career tests, many of which will give you a free report, you'll get a wider profile of potential career options. You can follow up with buying reports only when they appear really relevant to your understanding. Career tests have one simple purpose: to provide ideas you might not have considered and suggestions that may be worth following up. The twist is that personality tests can give you ideas about what you should do rather than you simply pondering what you want to do. There are many types of assessments and career tests that all seem to be put under the same title of "Career Tests".

Personality tests assess your traits, values and attitudes that describe your character or personality profile. These are the type of tests employers typically use to screen candidates for employment. If nothing else, you will gain information on potential careers that you can explore to see if they really are a good fit. The other important aspect of this is you gain a better ability to talk about and describe your own personality - how many people have been floored by the question "what sort of person are you?" or "describe your personality for me"?

Whereas aptitude career tests try to determine how well you are likely to perform a role in future, that is one of the reasons that more and more businesses are using personality tests before hiring their new employees. It eases the burden of decision-making.

Career tests can be fun for some and agonizing for others but all in all, they are good springboards for future possibilities. On-line personality and career tests are useful tools to help you evaluate your interests, values, skills, personality, and then match these characteristics with careers that fit the above criteria.
Career tests are amongst many different related tools that can help make the early part of your job-search manageable, and thus set you on a shorter path to your ultimate goals. Career tests are essential tools in opening up new possibilities and helping you to make important career decisions at key points in your life. Most of these tests are used to provide an indication of which jobs match your personality type and which will provide maximum job satisfaction.

Whilst there is a wide variety of tests available, some are proven and some are not, so you may need to take some 'with a pinch of salt'.

By completing a variety of different career tests, many of which will give you a free report, you'll get a wider profile of potential career options. You can follow up with buying reports only when they appear really relevant to your understanding. Career tests have one simple purpose: to provide ideas you might not have considered and suggestions that may be worth following up. The twist is that personality tests can give you ideas about what you should do rather than you simply pondering what you want to do. There are many types of assessments and career tests that all seem to be put under the same title of "Career Tests".

Personality tests assess your traits, values and attitudes that describe your character or personality profile. These are the type of tests employers typically use to screen candidates for employment. If nothing else, you will gain information on potential careers that you can explore to see if they really are a good fit. The other important aspect of this is you gain a better ability to talk about and describe your own personality - how many people have been floored by the question "what sort of person are you?" or "describe your personality for me"?

Whereas aptitude career tests try to determine how well you are likely to perform a role in future, that is one of the reasons that more and more businesses are using personality tests before hiring their new employees. It eases the burden of decision-making.

Career tests can be fun for some and agonizing for others but all in all, they are good springboards for future possibilities. On-line personality and career tests are useful tools to help you evaluate your interests, values, skills, personality, and then match these characteristics with careers that fit the above criteria.

Truck Driving Schools - Your First Step To A Rewarding Career!

Truck driving schools have had to meet the demand of the growing number of young drivers who are entering into one of the most in demand professions there is. By deciding to enroll at a truck driving school in any state of the USA, you have already made the decision that truck driving is the profession for you, but you are most probably confused at the number of truck driving schools, the different costs and programs, and wonder which one you should choose. Quite often truck driving schools can be quite costly, and if you are in other employment it may be difficult to arrange your tuition around your present work.

Finding a truck driving school location that is near where you live is the first thing to do. Then you will need to check on their courses, and how accredited they are and what other options they have. Some of the truck driving schools are run through local colleges so make sure you check these out as well. It can cost from $1400 to well over $5000 to receive your training at a truck driving school, of course this varies depending on how much training you need, and what sort of truck you want to drive. Some trucking companies will assist you with the cost of going to a truck driving school, but you would have to have an agreement with them to work for an arranged amount of time after.

There are also financial programs in place by many of the truck driving schools in which will assist with the costs, and these will then usually be payable over a certain period of time. If you find a truck driving school that offers just what you need but the costs are high, then look to see if you can implement one of these options. Many truck driving schools also will have placement programs in place. This is where graduates of the truck driving school are found employment in the trucking industry. There is also plenty of help available for new drivers from truck driving schools from the various recruiting and placement departments.

Finding the right truck driving school in America, is such a small investment in your future. Once you find a truck driving school that meets your budget requirements, location and course structure, then you will be well on your way to earning big bucks.But, make sure you've done your job correctly, and selected the truck driving course that fits your individual needs.You've three main categories of educational facilities:- College and university based vocational courses.- Industry based (transport companies) truck driving training.- Professional schools for commercial drivers.

Make sure, that the program you're going to attend, is accredited with the Professional Truck Drivers Institute,. This is your guarantee of the high standard and good employment prospects after the graduation.Once you obtain your Commercial drivers License, your long term career is assured. There were never better prospects for highly qualified truck drivers, to serve the growing American economy.
Truck driving schools have had to meet the demand of the growing number of young drivers who are entering into one of the most in demand professions there is. By deciding to enroll at a truck driving school in any state of the USA, you have already made the decision that truck driving is the profession for you, but you are most probably confused at the number of truck driving schools, the different costs and programs, and wonder which one you should choose. Quite often truck driving schools can be quite costly, and if you are in other employment it may be difficult to arrange your tuition around your present work.

Finding a truck driving school location that is near where you live is the first thing to do. Then you will need to check on their courses, and how accredited they are and what other options they have. Some of the truck driving schools are run through local colleges so make sure you check these out as well. It can cost from $1400 to well over $5000 to receive your training at a truck driving school, of course this varies depending on how much training you need, and what sort of truck you want to drive. Some trucking companies will assist you with the cost of going to a truck driving school, but you would have to have an agreement with them to work for an arranged amount of time after.

There are also financial programs in place by many of the truck driving schools in which will assist with the costs, and these will then usually be payable over a certain period of time. If you find a truck driving school that offers just what you need but the costs are high, then look to see if you can implement one of these options. Many truck driving schools also will have placement programs in place. This is where graduates of the truck driving school are found employment in the trucking industry. There is also plenty of help available for new drivers from truck driving schools from the various recruiting and placement departments.

Finding the right truck driving school in America, is such a small investment in your future. Once you find a truck driving school that meets your budget requirements, location and course structure, then you will be well on your way to earning big bucks.But, make sure you've done your job correctly, and selected the truck driving course that fits your individual needs.You've three main categories of educational facilities:- College and university based vocational courses.- Industry based (transport companies) truck driving training.- Professional schools for commercial drivers.

Make sure, that the program you're going to attend, is accredited with the Professional Truck Drivers Institute,. This is your guarantee of the high standard and good employment prospects after the graduation.Once you obtain your Commercial drivers License, your long term career is assured. There were never better prospects for highly qualified truck drivers, to serve the growing American economy.